Liên kết ngoài Sinh_ngôn_ngữ_tự_nhiên

  • ACL Special Interest Group on Generation (SIGGEN)
  • SIGGEN part of ACL Anthology (contains NLG research papers)
  • ACL NLG Portal (contains list of NLG resources)
  • Bateman and Zock's 'almost complete' list of NLG systems now maintained as a Wiki with a variety of visualisations and overview tables available on demand
  • RosaeNLG RosaeNLG is an open-source (MIT) NLG library written in JavaScript, based on the Pug template engine (supports any language and is currently shipped with resources for English, French, German and Italian)
  • KPML — general-purpose natural language generation system with graphical user interface for development and grammars of varying sizes for Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
  • SimpleNLG-EnFr — Open source Java library adaption of SimpleNLG which adds French support.
  • Cerebellum — Character-based Language Model generator for English, Georgian, Hungarian, Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Slovak, Czech and Latin
  • Interactive Multimedia Explanation for Equipment Maintenance and Repair - article describing Coordinated Multimedia Explanation Testbed (COMET)
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